Monday, June 1, 2009

Word of the Day

The word of the day is:


Often, we have patterned reactions to people, that have been learned, reminicent of Pavlov's dogs. They do something, and we immediately and instinctively react in a predictable manner, even though our reaction may not accomplish anything. In recovery, we learn that we can choose how we want to act. That takes the control of our lives away from others and frees us to choose a course of conduct that will work more effectively for us and our relationships.
-Codependents Guide to the Twelve Steps
I think the reason my boss treats me differently is because she knows part of me is weak. I almost always agree with her and rarely have I ever challenged her. The last time she even thought I challenged her (I didn't) she got hostile towards me and accused me of going over her head about something. She was pissed about that.
When she finds out I did go over her head this time and complained to her boss about her, she's really going to be pissed. She may even retaliate. But I don't care. I've done the right thing. I'm not reacting to her attack on me the way she thinks I'll react and I may pay for it.
I see Dr. Eve on Wednesday. I hope she's got some good advice for me on this subject because you can bet it ain't over.

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