Thursday, January 1, 2009

Catchy Phrases Decoded

I'm not much of a planner, and I don't like to think about things too far into the future. I can only handle what's right in front of me. My friends know this and rarely ask me to make plans more than a few days out.

I do however, posses an uncanny ability to agonize about things I fear will go wrong in the future. I've been known to obsess about whether or not my husband might drink at a concert or party for months in advance. Maybe that's why I like today's Catchy Phrase so much:

"One Day At A Time"

A wonderful Twelve Step slogan that defines an innovative but effective approach to life: Instead of living tomorrow today, or next week today, or reliving yesterday, we live each day as it comes.

I'll be trying very hard to practice this concept in the new year. I guess Steven Tyler will too.

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