Sunday, February 15, 2009

These ARE The Good Old Days

Yesterday I was listening to the Bruce Springsteen song "Glory Days". The song is about sitting around with your old friends reminiscing about the good old days. Towards the end Bruce says "and I hope when I get old I don't sit around thinking about it, but I probably will". This reminded me of another song by Carly Simon in which she reminds us "these are the good old days".
I recently became a member of Facebook. Something I love and hate at the same time. I've reconnected with several people from the past; some of which I'm interested in, some.....not so much. Anyway, I keep reading about "remember when" or "how young we were" or "the good old days".

Have you ever had your photo taken and thought how unattractive you look and then five years later you see the same photo and think "man, I was hot!"? I do it all the time.

So I've been thinking. We're so quick to think how great things were back in the day, but we need to focus on today. One day we will look back to today and think "when I was younger" or "back in the good old days".

The past is gone and while it's fun to look back, we're not dead yet! We need to work hard and strive to be the best we can be TODAY. That way when we look back on 2009 and beyond, we'll be proud of ourselves.


Puddin said...

For the record, your readers need to know that you and I are NOT in the picture above. But if we had been, I believe I would be wearing the sombrero.

Mary said...

I'm thinking I'd have been the one with the flower in her mouth. They look like people we'd have known, don't they?