Friday, February 6, 2009

Mary's MILFs

It's been a serious few weeks.

We've been diligently studying the Twelve Steps and I for one, am tired. There have been layoffs and office closings at work. My good friend Jay lost his job. My mom's brother died. My best friend had a car wreck. The city was paralyzed from an ice storm and many of us were without power for days.

I really think it's time to kick back with some mindless fun. It's time for a Mary's MILF.

Not all Mary's MILFs are from the
past. Bad boy Josh Todd, the lead singer of the band Buckcherry is not a particularly good looking man but something about him makes me feel all funny.

There's not much he could do to a girl that he couldn't fix (at least temporarily) by singing her the song "Sorry".

"I'm sorry I'm bad
I'm sorry you're blue
I'm sorry 'bout all the things I said to you
and I knowI can't take it back."

He's got the classic long thin frame that I always seem to gravitate to. He's smothered in tattoos, and I'm not ashamed to say I can not stop staring at that belt buckle.

I'd be trying to fix something about him within the first week, but man what a week it would be until then!

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