Tuesday, July 28, 2009

Kiss and Tell

If you've read this journal from the beginning you know all about Mary's MILFs, Men I'd Like To Fix. Celebrities, rock stars, all sorts of bad boys that make me fantasize and sweat, but all just in fantasy. I'll never really get to touch, only look.

I'm going to embark now on a candid series of journal entries about my real life loves. I'm starting at the beginning and working my way to now. Writing this journal is very reflective for me and I think it will be interesting to see how I got where I'm at now.

My friend Scarlett has a mind like a steel trap. She never forgets anything. I, on the other hand am lucky to remember what I did this past weekend, so for me these details will really challenge me to dig back into a faraway place in my mind. I'll write an entry as I'm able to recall the stories. I hope I can remember them with some type of accuracy and make it an interesting read.


Kitty said...

You should have never thrown those letters away.

Mary said...

Oh, so true...