Monday, July 27, 2009

Who Goes There?

As we've discussed in the past, recovery techniques work the same for most all habits whether you suffer from codependence, alcoholism, shopping addiction or are trying to quit smoking. One of my favorites is to remember to "HALT". HALT is an acronym that stands for:





Four things you should always avoid. Never get too Hungry, too Angry, too Lonely, or too Tired. These emotions can cause you to become most vulnerable to temptations. Our resistence and emotional resilience become low when we fall victim to these feelings and they can easily trigger a relapse.

HALT! Learn it....avoid it.


madison said...

I love this. I have not seen it before but I shall try it. I must say 3 of them are on me right now. The only one that isn't is angry, and that is good. I think the lonely one surprises me, I am usually not lonely. I must keep an eye on this because the next thing I think of is desparate, and that scares me to death.

Mary said...

My husband learned this in rehab and I love it too. I really see him become vulnerable when Hungry or Tired come knocking.