I've spent the better part of this week trying to figure out how it happened. I've managed to come up with a few different explanations, but the fact remains that one of my very best friends in the world somehow never became a part of the "Detach" family. That is, until now.
Miss Pamela and I have been friends for more than 26 years, but formed a tight and lasting bond during the time I was going through my divorce. I plan to write a lot more about her in the coming weeks, but what you need to know right now is that she's in her mid 50's, is married (but still somewhat of a newlywed), and she has no children. Miss Pamela has a demanding job that probably took her on somewhat of a roller coaster ride the past couple of years, but she perservered and came out strong, making the most of it all.
Here is Miss Pamela's Reason:
Dear Miss Mary,
The following is just what I think about life’s purpose/purposes – I might be way off base but here it goes…
The only person that has truly had only one purpose in life is Jesus Christ. Most people, including myself, have had and hopefully will continue to have several if not many different purposes as we move along life’s journey. There is or have been many great leaders, doctors, teachers, etc. who have or had a very obvious purpose in their life. However, except for Jesus, I believe even the ‘great ones’ have had multiple purposes.
If I had to select one purpose that I think I have now, I would have to say ‘Switzerland’ (you know – the neutral country). In other words, often seeing both sides of an issue, a debate, religious views, political views, family conflicts, etc. and then trying to realize that the answer usually lies somewhere in the middle.
As you can see, my thoughts on the subject are not deep or elaborate… just what I think. Who knows, if you ask me the same question in a year or two, I may have a different answer altogether!
Peace, Love & Rock n' Roll to you and yours,
Miss Pamela
Thanks for sharing, Miss Pamela, and welcome, welcome, WELCOME to the world of "Detach". I look forward to hearing a lot more from you in the near future!
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