Remember the Three Little Pigs? I love that story. The wolf came knocking on the door of the pig who built his house of straw. Of course the pig didn't let him in, but the wolf huffed and puffed and blew his house in. Then there was the second pig. He built his house of sticks. The wolf knocked. The pig wouldn't let him in, but the wolf huffed and puffed, and blew his house in too.
In my life, that's how it's always been when it comes to codependence. I heard the problem knocking, and I resisted opening the door, but in the end my structure was so weak that the big, bad wolf was able to blow my house down anyway.
Right now there are a couple of codependent situations in my life that are beating on the door. "Hello, it's me! Why don't you start incessantly worrying about me? Why don't you start focusing all your efforts at fixing me? Why don't you try to figure this one out?!?". Yeah, I'm aware that the wolf is out there, I saw him through the peep hole; and I'm cautious. But I'm certainly not going to open the door. And huff and puff as he may, I'm not overly concerned. Why? Because I'm pretty sure that right now, my house is built with bricks, and I'm going to be warm and cozy inside, taking care of myself, eating right, and exercising.
Healthy mind. Healthy body.
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