My wonderful, eclectic, insightful mother-in-law, Cher entered this world in the mid 1940's, which is intriguing to me because she started life during the innocence of the 1940's and the sock hops of the 50's, she lived through the Civil Rights movement of the 1960's, the love and peace hippie movement, the Vietnam war, the 80's, 90's, and the new millennium. What a time to live and see the evolution of this nation! Unlike my parents who came from the country, Cher has lived her whole life in the heart of the city. Needless to say, she's seen and experienced a lot of changes during her life.
Cher is in her mid 60's, and has been single since the early 1970's. She has three grown children and two grandchildren, making her the first grandmother we've interviewed.
I sat down with Cher recently, and posed to her our question. Here's what she had to say during our in-person interview:
My purpose in this life? My reason for being here? Honey, I've been trying to figure that out for 65 years!! I've never really been sure. I feel like I have a purpose, I just have no idea what it is.
(Thinks for a minute) I have three wonderful children and two wonderful grandchildren. Maybe my purpose was to bring them into this world. Jackie Kennedy once said "If you bungle raising your children, I don't think whatever else you do matters very much". I agree with her. Maybe one of my children or grandchildren has a special purpose and is destined do something great.
Cher, I think your offspring turned out pretty well. I picked one of them as a friend and one as a husband, so you must have done something right! You've given me a lot of very good advice in my life, and have become a surrogate mother to me since my mother passed away. I always look forward to our dinners on Sunday, and I value our time together. You are unique, beautiful, and much stronger than you give yourself credit for. I hope one day you'll figure that out.
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