I never thought I liked blueberries. After all, blueberry Kool-Aid made my mouth and tongue turn blue. Besides, cherry was always better. MUCH better. I never liked the blue popsicles or the blue Jolly Ranchers either. Seriously...up until last Fall, the closest I ever came to eating blueberries was the dried imitation pieces found in blueberry muffin mix.
Let's be honest...I simply never tried them. Last Fall I made a commitment to myself to start eating healthy foods. I noticed that blueberries were constantly showing up on my Biggest Loser meal plan, and I'd been hearing how nutritious they were. One day I was at the grocery store and noticed they were on sale so I bought a package. I've been in love ever since.
Half a cup of blueberries goes a long way. Sometimes I just measure them out and eat them all by themselves. I love to toss them into my breakfast cereal and milk. They taste great in Cream of Wheat and oatmeal, and they are the perfect alternative to maple syrup when you have pancakes. Two small pancakes with fresh blueberries rolled up inside is a great treat; and you don't have to feel guilty (or bloated) afterward.
One half cup of fresh blueberries contains 41 calories and zero fat. Blueberries contain antioxidants and some studies suggest they may possibly having a role in reducing the risks of some diseases,including inflammation and certain cancers. Anyone who knows me knows I constantly have inflammation somewhere in my body, so this is an added bonus! "It all connected."
In the coming weeks we'll be talking about more Fantastic Foods. In the meantime, buy a carton of fresh blueberries next time you're at the market (organic, if you can find them). You'll see what I mean. "Blueberry" isn't just a blue chemical that flavors sugary candy--blueberries really do exist! And they are delicious!
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