Today's story is from a very special woman in my life. I've known and worked with Margo for 26 years. Although she's not (yet) a "Detach" regular, many of my readers know her. Words that come to mind when describing Margo would be beautiful, classy, spiritual, honest (sometimes brutally honest), loyal, dedicated, and intuitive. Margo is in her mid 50's, and is married. I sat down with her one day and posed our question. The interesting thing about it was I already knew the answer; and so did Margo. She didn't even bat an eye before she started telling me what she believes her purpose to be.
From that in-person interview, these are Margo's words:
For years, my mission in life was to go out and have a good time; and I was very good at it. My friends and I would party whenever we had the chance. But after my first marriage ended, something crossed over in me. I felt like I had failed. I felt like I let my parents and everyone else down. I felt lost. So I turned to God and simply said "Show me what it is that you want me to do in this life" and He did. I believe God started using me to comfort people and to guide them when they need help. For some reason people just flock to me. Friends, family members, church members, and even customers at work will sometimes just start spilling their hearts. They come to me with problems, burdens, and heavy hearts. I never had any children of my own, yet even young people come to me and pour it all out, sometimes telling me things they don't feel they can tell their parents or anyone else. I pray regularly that God will somehow use me as a vessel to say the right words when speaking to these people, to give them hope, and maybe show them the way. I embrace this gift from God and feel blessed that He has chosen me to bring comfort and peace to people who need it.
Not only have I seen this with my own eyes, but I also feel it. I've gone to Margo dozens of times in my life when I feel confused or sad or when I believe I've been given a sign or a miracle has occurred in my life. Margo can usually sense when your heart is heavy and will sometimes just walk up to you and give you one of her famous Margo looks and say "What's wrong?" Just as I believe we regularly receive signs if we are open to receiving them, I also believe God has chosen people on the Earth to speak through, to send comfort through, if we just open our minds and recognize them. I truly believe Margo is one of those people. No, there was no doubt in my mind (or hers) how she would answer this question. God has truly given her a gift and I am so very thankful to have her as one of the wonderful women in my life.
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