Today's writer is no stranger to 'Detach'. She is our faithful reader, Sally. I've said this before, but Sally is probably the most intuitive person I know. She has this uncanny knack for looking at a person and seeing straight through any bullshit they may be hiding behind. Just when I think I've looked at something from every possible angle, Sally can see it in a whole new light.
The following mini-bio was written with her permission.
Sally is in her late 30's. She's quite intelligent, and has a promising future in her field. She's able to accomplish pretty much anything she sets her mind to do. I see Sally as a warrior. After breaking free from an addict/abuser husband, she found herself a single mother. For awhile, things were tough. For years she raised her two children on one modest income, working full time and going to school to obtain a Bachelor's Degree which enabled her to get a better position with her company and buy a home for her and her kids. Through much adversity, she has looked for the good rather than focusing on the bad. She doesn't complain, and she doesn't feel sorry for herself. She sees every set back as an opportunity to learn and grow. Sally's perspective on our topic illustrates her focus, her positive attitude, and her deep spirituality, and I love it.
Here are Sally's words:
I was put on this earth because I chose to be here.. I have accepted all the challenges and responsibilities that have accompanied this place, and I hope that I have served justice to this beautiful life. I've accepted responsibility, and marched through the murky existence that was handed to me. I've cherished the awesome gifts, and relished in how much I am blessed to have. I live each day and breathe each moment as if a second is too long to lose. It hasn't been pretty, and I doubt it ever will be, and yet it stands in my heart to be beautiful.. I don't really know how else to express it.. I am here to live, and live fully!! Breathe, See, Exist in a moment, or two, or for forever!
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