In so many ways, faithful "Detach" reader Madison and I are very much alike. We had a similar upbringing, we hold the same position at the same company, we both believe everyone could benefit from regular therapy sessions, we both have to keep our compulsive "fixing" in check, and we both want very much for everyone around us to live their best life.
Madison is 40'ish, single, and no children. She loves to travel. Two different times in her life she has been brave enough to accept jobs in other cities or states, pull up stakes and take a leap of independent faith. She lives in a smaller, college town, about 2 or 3 hours from her family, where she manages an office full of women, which can often be quite a challenge.
Here are Madison's thoughts on our topic:
My reason for being here is to prove that no matter where you come from or how you were raised you can be successful. With that said, allow me to elaborate.
I grew up in a blue collar, south end family. Dad drove a truck and Mom was a factory worker. Neither attended college. Well Mom did for a minute and Dad dropped out of high school. His education came from being in the Air Force. What's funny is, he is one of the most intelligent people I know, he just has horrible communication skills! I’m not sure what his IQ is but I am sure it is well above average. As for Mom, she is no slouch, but she has communication issues too. Best thing my Dad has taught me… You will learn much more by listening than talking, he is absolutely right. But we can both hang with the best talkers too!!!
I have learned so much from my parents. I consider myself lucky, because at an early age I realized they were pretty sharp, and I was lucky to have them, flaws and all.
As my parents get older, I can’t explain how proud I am to hear them say how proud they are of me. And they don’t love me more than their other children, but they like me more. WOW, that is powerful, it says something about my character and in the end, our character is all we really own.
Although I have many purposes and hope to continue to have many more, the most important to me at this time, is that my parents are proud of the daughter they were able to raise, and share my successes in life. Not perfect, but happy with the person I am.
How I got here is a very long story. But I use very simple things to grade my life. I have about 4 GREAT girlfriends that I would be lost without, and I have had 2 of them almost my entire life, that says something about us. I get joy in being able to make others smile; a smile goes a long way. There are no menial jobs, only menial people, and I have not had very many jobs, but have had many tasks to complete at those jobs, some not so nice but it doesn’t make me less of a success.
Animals and children are the best judges of character, I whole heartedly believe this, and love them both. And one other thing, Karma is out there. What you do, will come back to you, good and bad, so be careful, sometimes it is hard to tell which is which.
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