The first installment in our series is from someone you've read about from time to time in Detach; my childhood friend Sammy. Sammy and I grew up across the street from one another, and together we faced parents, dating, and the battle of becoming young adults. We saw each other most every day of our lives as adolescents, and held each other's hands through lots of fun times and a few rough times. Even though we live in different states and rarely get to see each other, we've never allowed ourselves to completely lose contact.
Sammy is in her mid-40's, is married, and the mother of two lovely daughters. She is a highly successful business professional who works for one of the top 20 most profitable companies in the United States, and she is the family's sole bread winner.
Here are Sammy's thoughts:
So, why are we put on this earth? I think I was put on this earth to create and care for 2 beautiful girls who will grow up to touch people's lives and make a difference in the world. Making a difference in the world didn't seem important to me when I was growing up, my goal was to get a good job and be able to take care of myself. I actually didn't think I would ever be able to provide for my entire family the way I do today. My goal was to become a secretary, and I've exceeded that goal beyond my wildest dreams. But for some reason as I've gotten older it doesn't feel like enough. I wish my career could have actually made a difference in someone's life. I wish I would have been a nurse or some kind of volunteer for a special cause. I suppose when I retire I'll have more time and opportunity to volunteer to a special cause and make a difference in someone's life. I'm sure I've made a difference in my daughter's lives, I see it everyday as they grow up and become young women. They have goals & dreams and they are very driven. One of my daughter's is at college working on becoming a nurse, she wants to work with children (pediatrics), so I really feel like she will make a difference in little kids lives everyday. I am so proud of her and I'm so glad I'm able to provide her with the opportunity to go to college to pursue this dream. My college options were very limited, in fact, I was discouraged from going to college. My parents said I just needed to find a good man to marry that could provide for me. Well, that didn't happen, but I managed to take care of myself and later on take care of my entire family. I guess for that I should be proud of myself and my accomplishments.
Sammy, you should DEFINITELY be proud of yourself and all your amazing accomplishments! I think my readers will find it interesting that while you've been hugely successful in your career, the thing that is important to you is you and your two daughters making a difference in this world. As long as you are alive, it's never too late for that. Thank you for sharing your story!
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