Why am I having such a hard time staying focused on my own life and my own goals? It sounds so incredibly simple, but this is not coming to me easily. I've been doing a good job taking care of myself, but I can't seem to stay there very long. I can't seem to stop obsessing about other people's behavior. I just can't turn it off!
I will try harder tomorrow.
Mary, don't be so hard on yourself. One of your best qualities is how you care so much for other people. I know that's what makes me love you so much and I'm sure many others would agree. I know that it can't be good to be so wrapped up in taking care of or fixing someone else that you lose focus on yourself. But I also believe the old saying "everything in moderation". Gee, wish I could practice what I preach with my eating habits. You should be so proud that you have turned years of co-dependent behavior around in just a few months. I'm sure that you will being working for the rest of your life to keep it in check but I don't want to see the old Mary totally disappear. I might need someone to worry about me one day! xoxoxo
Thanks, Oh Mystical One. But not to fear; I'll always be there for you.
I'll never stop caring for people, and I don't want to; it's who I am. What I need to stop doing is picking out things people do that annoy me then talking about those things to other people and obsessing about how I might make them stop doing it.
That's the unhealthy stuff.
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