Dear Tommy Lee:
I've never written one of these letters before but I wanted to tell you I'm your #1 fan. I love your music and think you are a great performer; always the showman.
I think you are incredibly hot and you surround yourself with people who intrigue me. I adore Pam Anderson, and think (when you are together) the two of you make the sexiest couple alive.
I would love to thoroughly explore all your tattoos. Chocolate syrup would be involved.

There's just a couple of things though. I'm really concerned about the drinking. I've heard you get really mean and make bad decisions when you drink and I don't think it's good for you. I'm sure there are several AA groups right there in your area. Let's make a deal and say starting right now, no more Jager.
And speaking of not good for you; I am enclosing a box of Nicorette patches. You should really try to stop smoking.
If that doesn't work let me know, I've been doing in depth research for you and I've found an online smoking cessation program, I'll send you the link!
God Bless Tommy Lee!
Isn't it just like me to find them, lust (maybe even obsess) over them, then try to force them to change the very things that attracted me to them in the first place?!?
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