successful coach or manager will tell you, you can't be successful at any goal without devising a strategy to help you get there. So for the past 24 hours I've been thinking how I'm going to work at my goal of not fortune telling or worrying about the Derby eight weeks before it comes. I think I've come up with a plan.

We learned early on in this blog that codependents much prefer to focus on the actions of others than themselves. Now is a great time for me to take a look in the mirror and focus on myself. Now that we have an extra hour of light in the evenings I'm going to start walking after work at least a couple of days a week. I'm also going to start concentrating on my eating habits and weight loss again. There's even a couple of other areas of my life that feel out of control. I'm going to give them some attention as well. I'm going to really focus on my daily checklist, and make sure I'm reviewing it every night. I'm going to the bookstore this week to see if I can find Melody
Beattie's new book (the copy that was supposedly sent to me by her publicist never made it).
So focusing on these strategies will keep my mind focused where it should be: on the things I can actually control.
"God grant me the Serenity to
Accept the things I cannot change
Courage to change the things I can,
and Wisdom to know the difference."
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