This morning Sally and I were having coffee chat in my office and we started talking about lying and cheating. I mentioned some doozie lies I'd been told over the years and we discussed how this has affected me forever. I've thought alot about that throughout the day today.
A couple of weeks ago I mentioned in a journal entry that I recently joined Facebook. I can't decide if I love it or hate it; it's a fine line. Anyway, early on I was forwarded an idea to write "25 Random Things About Me" which I did. One of the things I just had to include on my list was that I hate it when someone thinks I'm too stupid to figure out they have lied to me or are trying to pull something over on me.
Make no mistake... I'm often forgetful; particularly when it comes to my schedule. I've been known to double book or completely forget an appointment. Just tonight I had to reschedule my parent/teacher conference at Sylvan because I forgot about it and had made plans to meet Scarlett for coffee (the coffee date sounded alot more fun!).
So obviously I've had a lot of coffee today, but I have decided that one benefit to having a lying, cheating husband is that you develop a keen sense of when you are being lied to. Believe me when I say I've honed that skill to a fine art and can almost always tell when someone is "bending the truth" or out and out lying to me.
I guess there should be some kind of reward for all my suffering....?
Easy Like Sunday Morning
1 hour ago
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