This is a very roundabout way of getting to the point, but a little background is necessary. Stay with me here.
My husband has been friends with the Cramers since he was a kid. Mike Cramer is a very cool guy. In fact, Mike and Miss Pamela watched the opening ceremonies of the Atlanta Olympics at my house many years ago. Anyway, Mike's sister is Krista. Sometime during Derby, my husband ran in to Krista and she asked how I was doing. Well, ultimately the subject of the food revolution came up. Oddly, Krista had just watched "Food Inc" on public television a few nights before (quite by accident) so she told him she wanted to hook up with me to talk about it and to find out where I've been buying my meats.
So Krista sent me an email today telling me that she's been talking to everyone about the film and when she mentioned it to her neighbors they told her they watched it months ago. In fact, they now buy all their meats from Whole Foods. But the funny part (what you've been waiting for) is that they told Krista they bought a whole bunch of copies of "Food Inc" and gave it to everyone on their Christmas list.
So my heros of the week are Krista's Neighbors, for handing out copies of "Food Inc" this past holiday season!! Way to spread the word!
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