I've probably driven past the place a hundred times. If you're not looking for it, you'd never notice it. Luckily, I was looking for it--thanks to Sally. I'm talking about the little shop about two blocks from my office that sells buffalo meat. You can buy bison in many forms and it is delicious. Don't be afraid to try it. If you like the taste of beef, you'll love bison. The meat should never be overcooked. Serving medium rare (my favorite anyway) is ideal.
But not only is it tasty, it's quite healthy. You won't believe how lean it is. The meat from this particular store comes from a farm right outside town. The animals are grass fed, and not treated with antibiotics or growth hormones.
Here's a little history, and some facts about this Fantastic Food:
Ruthlessly hunted, primarily for it's hide, by 1885 the total number of Buffalo had been reduced from tens of millions to about 1000. Fortunately, the outcries of private citizens and organized groups were heeded, and this magnificent beast was spared annihilation.
The value of this wholesome meat, which sustained native Americans for centuries, has only recently been discovered. Modern analysis has uncovered some amazing facts about the nutritional qualities of Bison. Simply stated, Bison contains less of what we do not need (fat, calories and cholesterol) and more of what we we do need (iron, protein and fatty acids). Chemical free and naturally delicious it is truly the healthy red meat everyone can enjoy. It has been found that some people who are allergic to other meats are able to eat Buffalo.
But the really good news is the taste! Many people say Bison is the most flavorful meat they have ever tasted... with a sweeter and richer flavor than beef. Try it today, and see for yourself how delicious health food can be!
Bison meat is the heart-healthy red meat. It gives all the taste of beef with all the health benefits of chicken. Many heart patients who find it hard to change their tastes can now safely enjoy red meat by substituting bison for beef. The taste is very similar to the best beef you have ever tasted, with just a hint of sweetness to the meat.
Bison meat is non allergenic. No one, to date, has had an allergic reaction to buffalo meat. Many people who have allergies to other meats find they can eat buffalo. There are no low level antibiotics, no hormones, no drug residues, and no preservatives in buffalo. When eating bison, you are eating wholesome meat.
Bison has more iron than beef. For women, iron is a significant item. Adding bison to your diet can help meet those recommended allowances, as bison contributes about 69% more iron to your diet per serving than does beef!
The little shop is located on Main Street at Hancock. The meat comes frozen so you don't have to worry about being in a hurry to cook it. There's a super cool chick who works there that will answer questions and guide you through. So on your way to the Farmer's Market every Tuesday, stop by and pick some up!!
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