It's been awhile since "Detach" has decoded any catchy phrases, but to refresh your memory, this all started when we were discussing AA phrases awhile back. I was talking about phrases I'd seen all my life on bumper stickers and other assorted places, but never really knew exactly what they meant. Phrases like "Easy Does It" or "One Day At A Time".
Today's Catchy Phrase came to me when I recently watched the film "My Name Is Bill W". This is the story of AA founder Bill Wilson, known as Bill W. in AA circles. In the film, Bill W is played by actor James Woods. I enjoyed the film, and suggest anyone who lives with or loves an alcoholic or any other type of addict, watch it. It will help you understand the complex disease of addiction, as well as the philosophy of Alcoholics Anonymous.
For anyone who has been on a cruise, you know that a flyer is slipped under your door each night, outlining the next day's events aboard ship. On my first cruise, which happened to be ten days at sea, I noticed that every single morning there was an "activity" called "Friends of Bill W". At the time, I wondered what this might be. Someone later told me it was a code for an AA meeting. I remember it seemed a little odd to me that someone would go to an AA meeting while on vacation, and it really seemed odd to me that they might consider going to an AA meeting every day. In the past few years that I've learned more about AA, it doesn't seem odd at all. Many addicts find they must have that daily support. And not just for awhile, but for the rest of their lives. I have a cousin that hasn't missed more than a handful of days at AA since the 1980's. Even when he comes here to visit, he's grabbing the phone book looking for a group. Vacation can be an especially difficult time to stay sober.
So the next time you see
"Friends of Bill W."
you'll know what it means.
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