Thursday, January 15, 2009

Step Three

Step Three:
"Made a decision to turn our will and our lives over to the care of God
as we understood God."

One of the people I admire most in the entire world is a friend of mine named Margo. Margo and I have worked together for 25 year now and have survived marriages, divorces, births, deaths, and a whole lot more. If I've heard her say it once, I've heard her say it a thousand times; "we just have to turn this over to God".

We all have different ideas about who God is. Personally, I believe only the complicated ideas are incorrect. Whoever God is to you, complicated or not, when we let go and ask Him to guide us He will. He may not always guide us in the way we think He should, but rest assured....He will always guide us in the right direction, whether we know it at the time, or not.

I'll be honest. In the months since I've started writing this journal I've turned most of it over to God (I'm a control freak, remember?), and I'm happy to's worked! In working this Step, I see answers and I see results. Most important, it gives me incredible peace of mind.

While I'm still perfecting it, I embrace this Step and I believe in it.


Scarlett said...

Thank you so much for taking the time to explain The Twelve Steps. I never knew what they were, and have always wondered. Now I know.

Mary said...

This will serve as a good intro to them. I know it's long and drawn out, but if I'm to discuss them in the future, we need to hit on them all now. I hope everyone can hang on through the rest!