Remember the checklist from a couple of weeks ago (How Was Your Day?, Dec 30)? I've been pretty faithful to look at it regularly and see if I'm practicing what I'm preaching. I started noticing a pattern. Like the kids with their math, I keep tripping up on the same ones over and over again. This is a good thing, because I'm zeroing in on the areas where I need the most work. I seem to have the most trouble with:
Did I stand and deal with a feeling?
Did I start to get caught up in someone else's issues, then practice detachment?
Did I go on with my daily routine, when what I wanted to do was sit and obsess?
Becoming aware that I am struggling with these is making me more conscious of them. In the past three days, I'm happy to say I've seen improvement with all three.
Also, today I have some other fun news. The Public Relations team that represents Melody Beattie's new book "THE NEW CODEPENDENCY: Help and Guidance for Today’s Generation" is sending me a preview copy to read. This is a follow up to Codependent No More, which was written twenty years ago. Apparently, society has changed a few things since then. Obviously I'm quite a fan of her teachings, and being so new to this whole concept, I'm very anxious to see what Ms. Beattie has to say! Definitely more to come about this exciting new book!
Woo Hoo! You go girl! How did they find you? I hope they read your blog and see how smart you are.
Thanks, I'm excited! They say they found the blog and noticed I'd mentioned Ms. Beattie.
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