I'm taking a short intermission from the "Twelve Steps Mini Series" to talk about something else.
After much worry and anticipation, the "big storm" I had been preparing for finally hit this week. For the first time in our 100+ year history, my place of employment closed an office and eliminated several jobs. Two of the affected people worked for me. I had to tell a single mom with two teenage boys, and a woman whose husband is laid off from his job that effective immediately, they were no longer employed with the company.
It sucked.
The same thing just happened at my friend Puddin's place of employment.
I know we are just two of many, many companies affected by the current economic crisis, but when it hits home it hurts.
Rather than go on and on about this I think I'll just take the Forrest Gump way out and say "That's all I have to say about that."
Easy Like Sunday Morning
1 hour ago
I have a feeling our layoff is just preliminary - I truly feel another one will be coming, and this time it will probably be across the board -- plant and office.
One thing keeps going through my mind, Mary - the old saying "A recession is when your neighbor loses his job; a depression is when you lose your job."
I said it before and I'll say it again - all we can do is pray for betta dayz.
Right you are, Puddin. Right you are.
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