I apologize for the long intermission. Between the storm at work and a death in the family, it's been a trying week.
Also, I know the Twelve Steps series is long, and doesn't apply to everyone, but I think it's important to be familiar with the process. I really think all of us can take at least one thing from the Steps. Besides, I'll be referring to them in the future and it will be good to have a reference point. With that being said.....thanks for your patience....let's finish this up.
Step Seven:
"Humbly asked God to remove our shortcomings."
In case you haven't figured this out yet; my husband didn't make me codependent. I'm starting to clearly see I've pretty much been that way my whole life. So it's a little unnerving to think about asking God to take those tendencies away. If he does, there may not be anything left.
I don't want to stop helping people. I don't want to stop fixing things. People rely on me to help them and to fix problems for them.

I have been asking God to remove the parts of my personality that cause me so much pain. I can help people without obsessing about them. I can fix things without breaking myself. I can use my powers for good.....not evil.
That's a wonderful feeling.
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