My good friend and faithful reader, Sally was driving down a busy local road that was covered with wet leaves earlier this week. A voice in her head told her to slow down and she did. The car next to her did not. That car slid on the leaves and hit two oncoming cars head on. Needless to say, Sally was quite rattled by this experience.
I believe we receive signs all the time. I also believe many times we choose not to heed those signs; we choose not to listen to that voice in our head. Often we are so busy we may not even realize we're being given a sign. If God is trying to tell us something big, he may present us with a whole series of signs. If we resist what He is trying to tell us, we'll probably get a bigger sign that is harder to ignore.
Sally drove on that day and picked up her two children. She gave them both a tight hug. Since Sally is probably the most intuitive person I know, she shouldn't have much trouble figuring out what that sign meant to her. It may have meant something different to the guy driving the car; and something else to the woman who was walking down the street and wittnessed the whole thing. One sign may mean a lot of different things to a lot of different people who receive it.
Stay in tune with your body, mind, and spirit. Listen to the messages you are being given. When you are spared from tragedy, embrace it and learn from it.
Easy Like Sunday Morning
1 hour ago
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