It's rare that I ever get alone time. Tonight everyone is out for a couple of hours and it's quiet. No radio, no T.V., no voices. Just quiet. Time to think. Hmmmmm......I think I'll just write random thoughts as they come to mind:
Mystical deserves a big pat on the back for all her hard work these past few weeks. I know she exhausted. She did a great job.
Today at work wasn't as bad as I had dreaded. It was hectic, but not as bad as I'd feared.
I've been stress eating. I have to stop. I'm glad The Biggest Loser is back on the air, maybe I'll get inspired.
I hope Madison made it to class on time and did well on her quiz.
The kids got good report cards. Awesome. I'm glad they are out of school for a few days--I need the break.
My husband and I have been getting along remarkably well lately. That's cool.
I heard that (the legendary, Mustang driving) Mike Brown is going to be a grandfather. That struck me as funny for some reason.
Feeling relieved the dog wasn't waiting for me to let her out when I got home. We made the right decision in not adopting her.
Looking forward to grilled chicken burritos at work tomorrow...and it's jeans day.
I'm sick of Facebook.
I hope no one in my family gets the flu. I vote we all stay home for a month.
Can't wait til it's time to build a fire in the fireplace!
I hope the concert I was supposed to go to gets rescheduled soon.
I can't flippin' wait for my upcoming two week fall vacation. I'm going to get my house organized, pamper myself a little, and take some naps.
I wish Kitty would call me.
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