I grew up having a Dad who worked hard every day. He was home after work and my mother had dinner on the table. We ate together, every night. I can count on one (well, maybe two) hands the times I've seen my dad really, really mad. My Dad has bailed me out of more than one scrape. When my first marriage ended, he picked me up and dusted me off and helped me get back on my feet. He's watched my children after school since the day they started Kindergarten. Is my Dad perfect? No way. But he's been there for me, no matter what, every day of my life and I love him dearly.
My husband is also a wonderful father. He's a different generation of father than my own Dad, but that's okay. This is a different time. I'd be willing to bet he changed more diapers than I did, and because of our work schedules, he's always been the one to get the children up in the mornings, get them clean, fed and dressed, and off to day care or school. Is he perfect? No way. But the love he has for our children has never, ever wavered. And I truly admire his commitment and dedication to them.
No matter who you are, or how old you are, it's good to know you have a Dad that is there for you, no matter what. Happy Father's Day.
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