G and I dated for 3 years before we married in 1995. Of course a lot of water has rushed under that bridge since then. We've had good times and we've had some bad times. We've had some down right hard times. We have two children together that I would not trade for anything in this world. Although I don't get poetry much anymore, I know G loves me, and I love him too, very much. It would be hard to imagine life without him.
I guess it's time to wrap up the Kiss and Tell series; at least for now. In this series I've Kissed and Told about a lot of people. There were even a few I didn't mention for one reason or another. I learned a little from every one of them, and I guess they all learned from me too, because since I began writing this series I have reconnected with several of the Boys of Summer, through the magic of Facebook. Oddly, two of them introduced me to someone else as their former girlfriend. In my mind I wondered how I fit in to their life's Kiss and Tell series, and thought it ironic that in mine, they fell into a well of nameless people who were all grouped together in one category. In theirs, I may have had my own chapter! As pointed out in my favorite movie "It's A Wonderful Life", every person we meet touches our lives in some way, and vice-versa. We may not realize just how much at the time.
I've been in love a few times in my life, but truly loved four; both my husbands, Chris W, and Michael. Mike Brown gets honorary mention in this category, even though my love for him was always secret and one sided! While I can honestly say I have no love at all left for David (my first husband), Chris W and Michael will forever hold fond spots in my heart, and I will always love them both.
I'm not proud of it, but in my life I've been involved in every aspect of the cheating ring. I've cheated with, cheated on, and been cheated on. I know now there's no way to win in any of those roles. As my friend Mark once told me, "If someone will cheat with you, they'll cheat on you." Also, people rarely actual divorce their spouses to be with their mistresses and lovers. Never go in to a cheating situation thinking you are going to win.
Regrets? I've had a few. But then again....too few to mention. If I allow myself, I become very angry at wasting some of the best years of my life with David. For years that ate at me, and was really my biggest regret in life. I guess it still is, but I've conditioned myself not to be so bitter about it. I've learned a lot from every life experience I've had, and in some ways my experiences with David made me a stronger person. Other than David, no regrets really.
I've enjoyed writing this series so much. It's enlightened me and brought back some very fond memories. I hope one day my kids will have this memoir to read and they will have a deeper understanding of their mother because of it.
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