Someone I care about very much made an off the cuff comment to me yesterday, but it has me troubled. I passed
Cici in the hall at work yesterday and she said "Mary, I'm stuck on stupid. I can't get this weight off and my blood pressure is too high." We had a brief discussion in the hall and as she walked off,
Cici again said "I'm stuck on stupid!".
Our brains are very powerful. In one of my earliest journal entries "The Day I Hit The Wall Part 2" dated Oct 30, 2008 I mentioned that someone had suggested I read a book called "Feeling Good". That book is all about
cognitive thinking and how our thinking patterns control our moods. It suggests our distorted thinking may even be responsible for depression.

It's not easy to lose weight, but my friend Scarlett is living's not impossible either. It takes hard work and dedication, but it starts with the right attitude. Melody
Beattie tells us we should stop saying bad things about our minds. Quit telling ourselves things like "I'm stupid," "I can't make good decisions," "I've never been good at figuring things out". It's just as easy to say good things about ourselves as it is to say negative things. And, we'll probably start believing the positive things and find out they're true!
Cici has read this journal at least once. I don't know if she'll read this or not. But maybe all of us can take a little something from it. Women seem especially inclined to belittle themselves when things don't go as planned. Let's start giving ourselves some long overdue credit! I'm positive with some hard work and the help of a friend Cici could lose some weight and get her blood pressure back to normal.
There's really nothing we can't do if we put our minds to it.
tAs you know, Mary, I'm all into "The Biggest Loser" trainer Jillian Michaels right now. In her most recent weekly podcast, she urged people not to think of weight loss as "a battle" -- not something you're constantly fighting against. She tells people to look at it as a change of lifestyle. I've purposely never said "I'm on a diet". For me, I look at it truly as a change of lifestyle; a permanent change. Yes, it's not always been easy for me during the past 10 months, but I wanted it bad enough. If CiCi doesn't really want it bad enough, it won't happen for her - no matter how many times she tells people she has high blood pressure and needs to lose weight. She has to initiate the change herself. Nobody can rescue her. Once she decides to make the change of lifestyle, then her friends can rally around her and give support, but she's got to make that first step on her own.
Well said, Scarlett. Well said.
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