I like it that way.
Melody Beattie has identified several Caretaking Characteristics of Codependents. I shortened the list to focus on the ones that fit me best, but then I realized many of the characteristics on the list apply to some of my closest friends. I added them too. See if any of them strike a nerve with you.
- Think and feel responsible for other people
- Feel compelled-almost forced-to help other people solve problems
- Wonder why others don't do the same for them
- Find themselves saying "yes" when they really mean "no"
- Feel sad because they spend their whole lives giving to other people and nobody gives to them
- Feel no one is truly grateful for the help you provide for them
- Find themselves attracted to needy people (see yesterday's journal entry)
- Find needy people attracted to them
- Over commit themselves
- Say other people make the codependents feel the way they do
- Believe other people are making them crazy
- Feel angry, victimized, unappreciated, and used
- Find other people become impatient or angry with them for all the preceding characteristics
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