A thousand apologies for the scarcity of posts lately. My place of employment has been in the midst of the long anticipated "office move". We are finally set up in the new location and ready for business on Monday. It's been a hard couple of weeks and I'm glad it's over.
Since the beginning of 2009 I have lost two employees to job eliminations, one employee who retired, and 5 employees who were transferred to another office. Losing eight employees cut my staff in half. It was hard to say goodbye to most of those people, and leaving our old building after working there 25 years was tough too. I do like the new place however, and am finally excited about the possibility of making a go of it there.
My legs are aching and I'm tired; and I had a horrible experience with my boss on Friday morning. That drama is not over yet, but I'm not stressing because I'm holding firm to the knowledge that I didn't do anything wrong so I have nothing to worry about. My boss has a very strong personality and my relationship with her is very strange. She's also Madison's boss and she used to be Mystical's boss so I know they can relate. She treats me differently than any of the other managers. Sometimes I feel very close to her, almost like we're friends. Then, she'll turn on me and "put me in my place". She's a major control freak--much worse than I ever thought of being, and she's absolutely got to have the last word if she's got her mind set on something. Or maybe she's not worse than me, maybe she's just a lot meaner and nastier in her desperate attemts! Anyway, I take comfort in the fact that I'm not the only person she pissed off during this move, so when her boss confronts her this week, my name won't be the only one mentioned. Even if it is, I'm okay with that.
A few months ago I was completely ready to leave my company and start a new path. I applied for a position with another company and didn't get it. Maybe that was a sign, I don't know. I'm still not completely sure it's meant for me to stay, but I am going to give it a try, at least for now. I guess I'll know soon enough.
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